VACANCY NOTICE – Parks & Recreation Advisory Board

Charles WheelerCommunity News

Trotwood, Ohio [09/05/2023] –The City of Trotwood Parks and Recreation Board has a vacant seat and is seeking a volunteer to serve a modified term to end April 3, 2027. The Board is mandated by the Trotwood City Charter to recommend programs to the City Manager for the conduct of public parks and recreation facilities and programs. The Board consists of five (5) members who meet on the third Thursday of each month.

You must be an elector of the City to be considered for this volunteer position. Volunteer applications may be found on the City’s website, at the Trotwood Government Center, or by clicking this link: Volunteer Application. Please contact Charles Wheeler III, Marketing Coordinator, if you have any questions about this opportunity. Mr. Wheeler can be reached at (937) 854-7228 or by e-mail, at

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