Gun Safety Tips – Trotwood Police Department

Charles WheelerCommunity News

Gun Safety Tips

The Trotwood police department keeps the interests and safety of all residents in mind, and due to a recent incident involving a minor and a gun, the department is sharing gun safety and storage tips with the community.

  • Never leave guns anywhere in reach of children.
  • Guns should be unloaded, locked, and stored in a place out of reach and sight of children.
  • Child-resistant gun locks should be applied to all firearms.
  • Ammunition should be locked and stored out of reach from children.
  • Key and lock combinations should be hidden from children.

Additionally, having a dialogue with your children and dependents about guns and the necessity to practice proper safety is important, consider taking the following steps to keep everyone safe.

  • Explain the difference between a gun seen on TV and one in real life.
  • Engage in discussion about violence in television, movies, and video games. Talk about the feelings and thoughts that arise when consuming these kinds of media.
  • Teach your children not to touch a gun, and tell them to let someone know if they see one.


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