
Mayor's Message

I cannot believe that my first year as Mayor of the City of Trotwood is coming to a close. This past year has truly been a year of positive results for our city. When I look back at all that we have accomplished, I realize that we far exceeded our expectations for economic development in 2024.

In just five months, staff put together an impressive proposal to compete with some of our peer communities to attract Westrafo, an Italian energy solutions manufacturer. The City presented the winning package and Westrafo broke ground on their first North American production facility in August. Westrafo plans to bring 230 living-wage jobs with an average annual salary of over $67,000 to Trotwood, creating valuable employment opportunities and strengthening our local economy.

In October, Beontag, formerly known as Technicote, held a grand opening event at their new facility in Trotwood’s Industrial Park. Beontag is one of the world’s leading enablers of pressure-sensitive adhesives and smart tags used for technologies such as RFID and NFC. They have invested $80 million in this new facility, to include innovative technology equipment and infrastructure. Beontag expects to bring nearly 250 living-wage jobs with an average annual salary of $67,000 to the City of Trotwood. This is an achievement that reflects our city's attractiveness to global businesses.

Another new business in Trotwood’s Industrial Park is Equipment Share. This company is a leading tech-enabled construction solutions provider dedicated to assisting jobsites to run more productively and safely. This new service and sales facility will house an estimated 25 living-wage jobs, developing an empty greenfield site in our industrial park to a state-of-the-art facility.

In addition to these companies, the City of Trotwood also supports several new small businesses like the Majesty Event Center, True Shark Tattoo Club, and Trotwood Thrift, just to name a few. I am excited to see the dreams of these entrepreneurs come true and I cannot wait to watch them grow within our City.

In additional to our flourishing economic development, during the Regular City Council Meeting in July, The City of Trotwood joined the nationwide network of Purple Heart Cities. This prestigious designation signifies our commitment to honoring the sacrifices of military personnel who have been wounded or killed while serving in the United States military. Purple Heart City signs have been installed at various entryways into the City so to publicize this honor.

Gong back in time to 2019, 1,100 properties in the City of Trotwood were either destroyed or sustained some type of damage due to the Memorial Day tornadoes. Today, there are only two properties of those 1,100 that are still in need of repairs. For that I give credit to City Manager Pope and Deputy City Manger Kellum for their hard work in restoring our City. In addition, I would like to thank all of our partners, especially Montgomery County Prosecutor Mat Heck and Montgomery County Commissioners Debbie Lieberman, Judy Dodge, and Carolyn Rice for donating $1 million for the demolition of Woodland Hills apartments, formerly known as Castlebrook apartments. This area will be the site of the new Maison Hills apartments, which will consist of approximately 500 units.

To help me carry out the vision and mission of the City of Trotwood, I have participated in a multitude of training opportunities to ensure I understand the responsibility of being your Mayor. While I understand Council serves as the legislative body of the City, I have learned that it is just as important for me to understand the role of the City Manager and the staff. The Finance Department is working hard to ensure we end 2024 with a balanced budget, and City departments have exceeded expectations as they always do. But the true indicator of my first year as Mayor of the City of Trotwood is that I wake up every day ready and anxious to serve you, and that mindset will never change. While I have no idea what the outcome of this year’s election will bring, rest assured, we are Trotwood today and tomorrow, and as your Mayor, I will continue to uphold the Constitution and the City Charter, and most importantly, I will continue to follow the one that is in control of and the head of my life, God.

I hope you enjoy the holiday season and I wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Yvette F. Page
Mayor, City of Trotwood