AAWW Premier Health '22

African American Wellness Walk “Join Our Stride”

African American Wellness Walk presented by Premier Health
Saturday, August 13, 7:30 am
University of Dayton
Daniel J. Curran Place
1700 Patterson Blvd., Dayton, OH 45409
To sign up: runsignup.com/2022aaww

“Premier Health is pleased to announce the African American Wellness Walk (AAWW) is returning for its 22nd year this fall. This year’s walk/run event will be a hybrid event – with both a virtual option and an in-person option. The virtual walk will be ongoing with a kick-off on Juneteenth. The in-person walk will take place at the University of Dayton – Curran Place, 1700 Patterson Blvd, Dayton, OH 45409 on Saturday, August 13th at 7:30 AM. 

Last year’s event saw more than 1,700 participants across 44 states and six countries. We were able to raise $60,000 to benefit local organizations working to address the social determinants of health in our community. With our theme “Join Our Stride””, the 2022 AAWW looks to be bigger and better than ever. This year, all proceeds will benefit the on-site health clinics and students at Central State University and Wilberforce University who are pursuing health-related degrees to strengthen the diversity and cultural competency of our healthcare workforce.”