City of Trotwood 2030 Vision Survey

catapultCommunity News

As the City of Trotwood moves forward into the next phase of our Strategic Plan, we would like to involve the community as much as possible in growing together. Below is a Trotwood 2030 Vison Survey link. We would greatly appreciate you filling out the survey. Your thoughts matter!!

Trotwood Reflections Support Group


PLEASE ATTEND A COMMUNITY WIDE CONVERSATION ABOUT THE MEMORIAL DAY TORNADOES. Let’s come together Trotwood. Come share your story regarding the tornadoes and how they touched your lives. There will be staff and services to support you and counselors to help us start support groups for our children and adults. We will have special guest speakers and you can hear …

City of Trotwood Electronic Waste Week

catapultCommunity News

The City of Trotwood Electronic Waste week will take place Monday, August 19- Saturday, August 24, 2019 at the City of Trotwood Public Works building (2400 Olive Road, Trotwood, Oh 45426). This is open to all Trotwood Residents. Acceptable items include: TVs, computer monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, computer mice, cables, circuit boards, lamps, clocks, flashlight, calculators, phones, answering machines, digital/video …